Noble & Company

Noble & Company
95A George Street Edinburgh EH2 3ES

Noble & Co is a Scottish Investment Bank, acting as a trusted advisor to clients.

The company is based in Edinburgh and provides intelligent and creative advice to companies during key financial and corporate milestones, regardless of the business’s age or current position. Noble & Co advise companies and public sector bodies on major strategic events including mergers and acquisition, fundraising, succession planning, strategic reviews, and restructuring. 

Noble & Co is a Scottish company and has its roots in Noble & Company, which has operated in Scotland since 1981. It combines the geographic reach and range of knowledge of a major investment bank, with a distinctly boutique approach to their work and focus on clients. The Noble & Co team are hands-on and entrepreneurial in the support they provide companies and their leadership teams, offering access to capital markets and some of the fastest growing and most exciting economies in the world.

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

Lloyds Banking Group


Scotch Whisky International