
Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9BQ

NestEgg makes it easier for people to  ensure accepted for loans from responsible lenders.

Breaking the cycle of high cost borrowing

Too many people want to save but are forced to borrow at high interest rates. This makes it harder to achieve financial stability, trapping individuals in a cycle of debt. Our mission is to change that.

Fairer credit for a stronger future

Millions are locked out of affordable credit, left with few choices beyond high-cost lenders or even loan sharks. We believe everyone deserves a fairer way to borrow—one that helps you achieve your real goal - to save more and borrow less. 

Save as you borrow with a credit union

NestEgg connects you with ethical credit unions that offer smarter borrowing. With the Save As You Borrow approach, a portion of each loan repayment goes directly into your savings, ensuring you build financial security with every step.

A Movement for financial well-being

By choosing to borrow and save with a credit union, you join a community dedicated to helping you build a nest egg. Together, we are reshaping the future—one where borrowing is fair, savings grow, and financial security is within reach for everyone.



