Hampden & Co

Hampden & Co
9 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4DR

From their offices in Edinburgh and London, Hampden & Co provides accessible private banking expertise to individuals, their families and businesses.

They focus purely on providing a superior banking experience and work in partnership with their clients’ other advisers. Each client has a nominated banker who delivers a service tailored to their needs. 

Services available from Hampden & Co include:

Day-To-Day Banking

A broad range of services keep the management of your day-to-day finances simple, including current accounts with unsecured or secured overdrafts, contactless debit and charge cards, cheque book, foreign currency accounts and foreign exchange services.


Solutions can be tailored to individual needs. Typical services include Call (Instant Access), 95-Day Notice and Term accounts.


Bespoke lending services for individuals, families and commercial entities include residential, retirement, family (guarantor), buy to let, multi-property and self-build mortgages, secured overdrafts and portfolio lending.

Digital Banking

The personal service from your banker is complemented by the convenience of online banking and mobile apps.

To find out more, please get in touch: 

Head of Banking – Mark Prentice, mark.prentice@hampdenandco.com, 0131 297 0148



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